Grueby Pottery matte green 6 leaf vase — JMW Gallery

JMW Gallery

Buying and Selling American Art Pottery since 1983


Grueby Pottery matte green 6 leaf vase

Grueby Pottery leaf vase
sold out

Grueby Pottery matte green 6 leaf vase


Grueby Pottery squat form flared lip vase with 6 well tooled leaves. It is covered in a deep curdled matte green glaze which pools perfectly at the leaf edges and thins at the mid-ribs to highlight the raised decoration. It measures 5 1/2 inches in diameter at the widest point and 4 5/8 inches tall. It is in great condition with no chips, cracks, firing flaws, or repairs, just one tiny burst bubble at the rim. The Grueby Pottery Boston USA die-stamp is not visible and there is an incised JE for the decorator (unknown). A beautiful form with a great glaze from the quintessential Arts & Crafts New England art pottery.

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